7,349 ft / 2,240 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 16.3 km • 941 m gain • 8 hr 9 min
1 climb • 26.6 km • 2,352 m gain • 10 hr 0 min
Latest climbs

"Chelsea and I scrambled Heart Mountain and grabbed Grant MacEwan Peak on the way to the Twin Towers. The crux section involved an exposed but fun down-climb. We found it a little awkward to start, but the holds were good . The ridge leading to the West Tower offered a lot of fun scrambling with occasional exposure. There were also a few bypass trails just below the ridge crest, but scrambling would be my recommendation.
There are a couple descent options off the top of the West Tower when heading towards the East Tower (Jewel Peak). The rest of the way is mostly a steep walk. Both peaks offered great views of the Kananaskis ranges to the south and east. McGillivray blocks the view to the west.
Having only taken 3.5 hours to finish our 4 planned peaks, we decided to try for Mt. Barclay. I was aware of a route from the Mt. Lorette side, but the ridge line between the Twin Towers and Barclay looked feasible.
With no beta, a clear sky, and a positive attitude, we headed for the south ridge that connects with Mt. Barclay. We explored a number of options to gain the ridge and drop to lower ledges when needed. There was very little backtracking, so route-finding wasn’..." — ivo • Jul 9, 2023

"We did a car shuttle with a scrambling traverse from Stoney Trailhead northward to Mary Barclay Mountain, then northwest along a ridge, turning right = northward at a 3-way intersection of ridges, and up to Mount Barclay, then a rugged ridge with a 10 m vertical upclimb, then both Twin-Towers, Grant MacEwan Peak and down via Heart Mountain & its northwest ridge. Crux was a 10 m vertical rock scrambling upclimb. Avoided a similar or higher crux between west Twin Tower and Grant MacEwan Peak by dropping into the forest to the right/ east side slope and up the Grant MacEwan meadowy south-east facing slope." — geoffc • Jul 21, 2018