In which we will attempt to document all notable changes to peakery
- Web app:
-   Fixed Tasmania LIST topo map layer.
- Web app:
-   Fixed France IGN topo map layer.
-   Taller elevation profile for climb tracks.
- iPhone app v0.98:
-   Higher detail in all GPX tracks. Much better for navigation.
-   New design of map filters to make them bigger and easier to use.
-   After search for a peak, map zooms in more to get a better sense of the area around the peak.
-   Fixed bug to show peaks you’ve climbed (the green peaks) in all cases.
-   Latest tab loads 10x the logs in 1/20th the time.
-   Latest tab doesn't show boring logs with no trip report, photos, or track.
-   Latest tab combines multiple logs from same trip. Tap the ‘+ n peaks’ in header to see names of the additional peaks.
-   Added a sort to the Saved tab. Sort tracks by recently added (the new default), recently climbed, and name.
- Web app:
-   Site now scales across any browser width, from phones to big monitors. Smooth image & map scaling removes janky threshold jumps and unnecessary cropping of photos.
-   More polished, rounded look throughout (work in progress).
-   Added a toggle on all peak maps to quickly see peaks you haven't climbed. This works together with the existing peaks you've climbed toggle. Use it on the main map together with the filters (such as Popularity or Elevation) to get a great sense of candidates for your next peaks to climb. Use it on Peak Challenge maps to get a quick sense of peaks you've yet to climb in that challenge. Use it on other members' maps to easily see what peaks they've climbed that you haven't.
-   In log cards, zoomed in static maps to better show peak areas at a glance.
-   Changed text ‘summits’ and ‘summited’ to ‘climbs’ and ‘climbed’ (work in progress).
- Web app:
-   When logging a climb, faster photo uploads (asynchronous and optimized).
-   Updated to Mapbox GL JS v3.4.0 that improves map loading performance.
-   On Peak>Map, changed the current peak to the orange marker.
-   Fixed region name not showing up on Region>Challenges pages.
-   Fixed special characters issue in photo captions.
- iPhone app v0.97:
-   Offline peaks! Now peaks don't require loading when moving around the map and appear even when you're offline.
- iPhone app v0.92:
-   Upgraded maps to latest version (v11).
-   Fixed the map not following you when you move around.
-   When tracking a climb, now puts your current track (red line) on top of any saved tracks visible on the map (blue lines).
-   Improved visibility of info when tap a peak on the map (for outdoor viewing).
-   iOS 17 improvements.
- Web app:
-  Our #1 focus recently has been on improving back-end performance. Over the last two months we've released a steady stream of speed improvements that specifically affect: the Latest climbs homepage, the Map, Profile pages, Full log pages, Peak>Info pages, searching for peaks, the Log a climb form, Challenges>Info pages, Challenges>Members pages, Region>Info pages, and Region>Challenges pages. We continue to focus on improving performance as our top priority.
-   Fixed broken location search on the Log a climb form.
-   Fixed Route pages that had several missing data fields.
-   Fixed 500 errors when view some full logs (avatar issue).
-   Fixed your contribution stats on Profile page.
- Android app v1.2.5:
-   Support for Android 14 permissions (uploading photos and videos now works again).
-   Better system integration with Android 12+.
-   Fixed Android 13+ crashes.
-   Map now shows all peaks in the area.
-   Updated maps might feel a little faster.
- Web app:
-   Added 54 new curated Peak Challenges in Poland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Slovenia, Korea, Madeira, Montenegro, Canada, Mallorca, Germany, Spain, Corsica, Andorra, Tasmania, California, and Arizona.
- Web app:
-   Fixed IGN France topo map layer.
- Web app:
-   Improved the main map performance. Loads in peaks much faster than before. Will improve overall site performance.
- Web app:
-   Fixed bugs on Add missing peak page (see all map layers, jump to place/coordinates fixed).
-   Added sort by name on Countries and Regions challenges pages.
- iPhone app v0.86:
-    Likes & comments on logs
-   Save log as Draft: Use this option when you finish a hike and you’re not ready to upload your trip report/photos right then.
-   Improved vertical gain live stat: See your estimated vertical gain update more quickly while tracking a climb.
-   Bug fixes.
- iPhone app v0.82:
-   New! Added 39 topo map layers from national mapping agencies around the world: Argentina (IGN - 50K), Argentina (IGN - 100K), Australia - NSW (SIX), Australia - QLD (QTopo), Australia - South Australia, Australia - TAS (LIST), Australia - VIC (VicMap), Austria (BergFex), Austria (BEV), Belgium (NGI), Canada (NRCAN), Canada - Ontario (OBM), Canada - Québec (MERN), Croatia (DGU), Czechia (ČÚZK), Finland (NLS), France (IGN), Germany (OutdoorActive), Hong Kong (LandsD), Iceland, Israel (Hiking OSM), Japan (GSI), Luxembourg (ACT), Mexico (INEGI), New Zealand (LINZ), Norway (Kartverket), Norway - Jan Mayen (NPI), Norway - Svalbard (NPI), Philippines (NAMRIA), Poland (Geoportal), Slovakia (DGU), Slovenia (ProStor), Spain (IGN), Spain - Cataluña (ICGC), Sweden (SGU), Switzerland (swisstopo), Taiwan (NLSC), United Kingdom (OS), and United States (USGS). Access these layers by tapping the Layers button on the Map and tapping the Government Topo option.
-   Fixed bug to make map stay centered on your location when you move around with location button active.
- Web app:
-   Updated designs for Terrain, Streets, Satellite, and Satellite Topo map layers.
-   Greatly improved location search in the left column of Map (faster, more comprehensive). More search improvements in-the-works.
-   Added thumbnail photos for 100s of Peak Challenges that were missing when hover over Challenge icon on Map.
- Web app:
-   Updated the map layer options on 'Add a missing peak' page.
-   Added thumbnail photos for 100s of Peak Challenges that were missing them (as seen on the peak pages).
- iPhone app:
-   Fixed server issue loading latest climbs in Hawaii & other regions.
- iPhone app v0.77:
-   New! 3D map layer for entire world.
-   New design for Satellite Topo map layer with easier to see trails & contours across different colors of imagery.
-   Improved design of map layers selection.
-   Added map scale and map layer attribution logos.
-   Fixed issue to see saved tracks when offline.
-   Fixed crashes when a log has many photos.
- Web app:
-   Added the 38 topo map layers from national mapping agencies around the world as an option to all maps throughout the site (profile map, challenge map, an individual peak map, etc.).
-   Added attribution logos to all of these topo map layers to the bottom left corner of the map when a layer is selected. Click the logo to go to the source's website.
-   Fixed annoying issue with map control that kept closing the menu.
- Web app:
-   Added another batch of 15 topo map layers from national mapping agencies around the world (now for a total of 38) to the main peakery map. The new ones in alphabetical order: Argentina (IGN), Australia - NSW (SIX), Australia - QLD (QTopo), Australia - TAS (LIST), Australia - VIC (VicMap), Austria (BEV), Canada - Ontario (OBM), Canada - Québec (MERN), Croatia (DGU), Iceland, Norway - Jan Mayen (NPI), Norway - Svalbard (NPI), Poland (Geoportal), Slovenia (ProStor), and Spain - Cataluña (ICGC). Access these layers via the Government Topo option in the map layer control.
-   Fixed bug showing incorrect contributor stats on your profile.
- Web app:
-   Added 23 different topo map layers from national mapping agencies around the world to the main peakery map. In alphabetical order: Australia - South Australia, Austria (BergFex), Belgium (NGI), Canada (NRCAN), Czechia (ČÚZK), Finland (NLS), France (IGN), Germany (OutdoorActive), Hong Kong (LandsD), Israel (Hiking OSM), Japan (GSI), Luxembourg (ACT), Mexico (INEGI), New Zealand (LINZ), Norway (Kartverket), Philippines (NAMRIA), Slovakia (DGU), Spain (IGN), Sweden (SGU), Switzerland (swisstopo), Taiwan (NLSC), United Kingdom (OS), and United States (USGS). Access these layers via the Government Topo option in the map layer control.
-   Updated Satellite Topo map layer with more prominent trails, easier to read POI labels, and contour lines that are more visible across various colors of underlying imagery. A great map layer to use while out on a climb!
-   Updated to latest Mapbox GL JS v2.10.0 that improves tile loading performance on low zoom levels by up to 15% and fixes a bug with the location control in Safari.
- Web app:
-   Added overzooming and hard stops for all map layers (so you can't zoom to a black screen anymore).
-   Fixed bug with missing range checkbox in Edit Mode.
- iPhone app v0.71:
-   Save & follow GPS "Ghost Tracks" on the map for better routefinding navigation. Load external GPX tracks onto the map to use as reference tracks to follow during your hikes. Or save & follow any track from other peakery members. Manage all your saved tracks in the new Saved tab.
-   In line with recent change on peakery web app, overhaul of the Terrain map design. Now features more prominent trails, clearer vegetation zones, and bathymetric data for oceans.
-   Added start/finish icons on all GPS tracks shown on map.
-   Bug & crash fixes.
- Web app:
-   Overhaul of the Terrain map design. Now features more prominent trails, clearer vegetation zones, and bathymetric data for oceans.
- Web app:
- Updated landing page to vary based on device. On mobile, shows the app button for your device. On desktop, shows a QR code that sends you to either the peakery iPhone or Android app based on what device you're using. Also added a bit more explanatory text to the landing page.
- iPhone app v0.64:
-   Quickly filter the Map to see only the peaks you've climbed or the peaks you have yet to climb. Accessible via the Filters button at the top of the Map.
-   Bug fixes for map crashes, uploading bar not always showing up, some GPX tracks not displaying correctly, and errors removing logs.
- iPhone app v0.63:
- Bug fixes related to photo uploading. Improved map responsiveness.
- Web app:
- When a log has no peak, changed top title to "Activity".
- Web app:
-   Updated to latest Mapbox GL JS v2.8.2 with map performance improvements.
-   Fixed repeating peaks in right column of Challenges>Map.
-   Fixed bug on map where when used the Last climbed slider, some peaks incorrectly showed 0 climbs.
- iPhone app v0.61:
- Added List view. On the Map tab, tap the List button to see a list of all the peaks in the current map view. Sort the list by Most climbs, Elevation, Prominence, Name, You Climbed, and You Unclimbed. Tap any peak to see all of its logs with photos, GPS tracks, and trip reports.
- Web app:
-   Improved loading time of Challenges page.
-   Fixed climbs not synching on map when log a climb via iPhone app.
-   Fixed issue preventing deleting your logs.
- iPhone app v0.56:
- Discover great peaks to hike: Explore, search, and filter 600,000+ peaks on 7 different map layers including detailed topo maps.
- Track your mountain hikes: Get outside with the robust GPS tracker that conveniently shows important navigation stats such as vertical gain and current elevation.
- Log your past peaks: Collect & fill in your history in the mountains by adding photos, GPS tracks, and trip reports for your past climbs.
- See the latest hikes: Browse 300,000+ mountain adventures with photos, trip reports, and GPS tracks from peakery's passionate worldwide community.
- Also view your climbs on on the web -- it's fully synched with the app.
Major! Launched the peakery iPhone app, now available in the App Store!
- Web app:
-   Fixed ability to delete your own comments.
-   Fixed maps that weren't displaying on Peak>Summits pages.
-   Bunch o' formatting tweaks to top nav as part of an ongoing redesign.
- All platforms:
- Tweaked auto-peak-matching logic to reduce chance of missing peaks in your tracks.
- When a log doesn't have a peak, changed title from No Peak to Hike.
-   Fixed stats for logs with tracks containing no peak summits.
- Web app:
-   Fixed in-app & email notifications of likes & comments.
-   Fixed adding/editing Challenge highlights.
-   Fixed icon display issue in login/signup modals.
-   Fixed top nav icon hover states.
-   Fixed formatting issues on Challenge pages.
-   Fixed mobile web title bar and subnav formatting issues.
-   Made background completely black as part of an ongoing redesign.
-   Updated to latest Mapbox GL JS v2.7.0.
- Android app v1.2.2:
-   Fixed recent issue preventing peaks from loading.
- Added in-app notifier that lets you know if there's a newer version of the app available.
- Web app:
- Updated top navigation in first step toward a simplified navigation for the entire site. More changes to come, rolling out in phases.
- Improved UI of Login and Sign up modals.
- Web app:
-   On Latest page, added ability to see the latest climbs near cities (in addition to countries, regions, and the world).
- Web app:
-   New logged out homepage design focused on exploring peaks near a place (or your current location).
-   Fixed several logging bugs related to inputting long trip reports, long photo captions, and photo ordering.
- Web app:
-   Fixed several bugs related to logging peaks manually without GPX files.
-   Major 3D terrain update: new data in Greenland and Antarctica, improved detail in Canada and Western Europe, and smoothed coarse data in high latitudes.
-   Updated to latest Mapbox GL JS v2.6.1.
- Web app:
-   Fixed bug preventing following another member.
-   Fixed bug that prevented uploading a profile photo.
- Web app:
-   Now you can add the route name to your log except when your GPX is auto-matched to an existing route.
-   Updated to latest Mapbox GL JS v2.5.1.
- Web app:
-   Fixed like/comment status/counts so always correct (they used to be cached for a period of time which caused timing issues).
-   Fixed error that prevented saving region Highlights.
-   If run a location search on Map and then switch to List, changed default sort order to ascending by distance. To then see the most climbed nearby peaks, use the Popularity slider.
- Android app:
-   Fixed recent issue of photos not displaying in logs submitted via the Android app.
- Web app:
-   Added a general info page for Peak Month to the More menu.
-   Made Peak Badges a tad bigger and doubled # of badges shown per page.
-   Removed 'null' from photo captions in the photo viewer... again (swear we fixed this before).
-   Major speed boost! In the past bots etc. sometimes brought peakery to a crawl, sooo frustrating. Today we put in place a new infrastructure to greatly improve performance across the website, Android app, and the upcoming iPhone app. If you're a long-time peakery member you should notice much faster loading speeds.
- Web app:
-   Updated design of your Peak Badges to bring them in-line with updates we've made on the Map over the last year (dark background with white footers, new icons, etc.). Also when hover over them they grow faster, bigger, stronger.
- Web app:
-   New! Featuring official government topo map layer for Switzerland (yes, the really cool maps). When viewing Swiss peaks (such as the amazing Finsteraarhorn), select Govt Topo from the map layers control.
-   Improved 3D map terrain performance with update to Mapbox GL JS v2.4.0.
-   Higher resolution aerial imagery for Switzerland, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands (via Mapbox).
-   Fixed search by location bug on Peak List page.
- Web app:
-   Faster loading of Latest page. Implemented new system that re-caches each region when a climb is logged in that region.
- Web app:
-   HUGE performance improvements in Map peak marker loading (~300% faster!); still more optimizations planned here.
-   Fixed bug on your stats page that had frozen some stats like "Peaks summited" and "Completion radius".
-   Fixed bug on Edit log that didn't show previously added companions or allow you to add new ones.
-   In fullscreen photo viewer, removed 'null' text when no photo caption.
-   Fixed guest homepage photo slideshow.
-   Fixed login with username and email address to be case insensitive.
-   Prevented from going to non-SSL (http) site, which starting happening after recent major stack update.
MAJOR UPDATE:Biggest update in years to modernize the peakery platform that powers peakery on the web, Android, and soon iPhone. Will enable streamlined development of new features/enhancements, significant performance gains, and future maintainability & security. Highlights from this multi-month project:
- Updated entire server stack to latest versions, including updating Django & Python from 7-year-old versions.
- Eliminated accumulated, useless crap, ahem "technical debt": reduced Javascript libraries loaded from 88 to 29, eliminated 3 dozen Python libraries, and a lot more -- good riddance.
- Updated various helper libraries related to caching, GPX processing, and others to improve performance.
- Adjusted GPX processing logic to improve accuracy and speed of peak matching.
- Expanded the peakery API to support the in-development iPhone app. (Want to help test the beta? Fill out this form. We plan to invite groups in batches).
- New caching logic to improve performance... a lot more to come here!
-   Updated all maps to Mapbox GL JS v2.3.1. Includes big performance gains for 3D maps, see more details on the Mapbox blog.
- Web app:
-   On Latest, if hover over the "+ 2 other peaks" in a log it now shows the other peak names.
-   On Latest, if tap a photo in a log it now shows the photo fullscreen in a gallery view. Hit arrow keys to see the other photos in the log too.
-   Changed Latest to "infinite scroll" (no need to hit a See more button anymore).
-   Fixed a map layer bug on Peak map and Profile map.
- Web app:
-   Removed truncation of trip descriptions in logs on Latest and other pages throughout site, now easier to read.
-   Correct map attribution logos now shown on map for various sources.
-   Fixed Peak Challenge maps.
-   Fixed a bug that had auto-named unnamed peaks with the incorrect elevation (was off by 1 meter, fixed on 100s of peaks).
- Web app:
-   Faster GPX file uploading & auto-matching to peaks (prevents bigger GPX files from timing-out).
-   Updated the peakery blog to SSL encryption (better late than never).
-   Verified location of 55K peaks and elevation of 40K peaks. This includes everyone's edits made via the new Edit Mode, thanks for the help so far!
-   Fixed peak pages not showing Natural Atlas/OpenTopoMap by default.
- Web app:
-   New feature! Added a new view on Latest called You to see just your own logs in the selected region. A great way to surface your past logs in places you've been.
-   Updated all maps to Mapbox GL JS v2.2.0. Mapbox also pushed a huge satellite imagery update.
-   Fixed peak search on Map, it broke somewhere along the way.
-   Fixed a rare bug that prevented some peak markers from loading on the map.
-   Changed Profile > photos page to also include all photos added to peaks, not just to logs.
- Web app:
-   Fixed a handful of bugs in Edit Mode, keep the edits coming!
-   Added new Peak Challenges in New York, Hawaii, and Croatia
- Web app:
-   Released v4 of Edit Mode, a new way to edit peak data directly from the map. Now add peak photos directly from Edit Mode. Also new are filters to make it easy to keep track of what's been edited so far. These work amazingly well to quickly pinpoint missing data. Also new: 'verified location' and 'verified elevation' for each peak. You can click a peak and check the 'Verify location' and 'Verify elevation' boxes to verify that these are correct. Edit Mode is invite-only based on your prior contributions; if you'd like an invite please email us. Thanks to all those contributing so far!
-   Fixed issue with incorrect units in edit mode.
- Web app:
-   Fixed a handful of bugs and made some UI improvements to Edit Mode, a much easier way to contribute changes to peakery's underlying peak data -- directly from the map. Now you can toggle between tallies of just your edits and the entire peakery community's edits in the past week. Edit Mode is invite-only based on your prior contributions; if you'd like an invite please email us.
-   Fixed issue of map contours in Terrain & Satellite Topo not showing in selected units (feet or meters).
-   Fixed issue so that map doesn't default to a centered location near Lagunitis, California on initial load. Now uses your IP address to center the map on your region. Note: the 1 person who used peakery from Lagunitis a few years ago won't notice a change.
- Web app:
-   Released v3 of Edit Mode, a much easier way to contribute changes to peakery's underlying peak data -- directly from the map. Third version adds ability to add missing peaks and shows a small token of gratitude to members who contribute high levels of edits. See more in the updated Edit Mode FAQ. Edit Mode is invite-only based on your prior contributions; if you'd like an invite please email us.
- Web app:
-   Released v2 of Edit Mode, a much easier way to contribute changes to peakery's underlying peak data -- directly from the map. Second version adds ability to edit all peak info fields, fixes some UX issues with location editing, and also fixes a bug related to dragging markers after panning the map. See more in the updated Edit Mode FAQ. Edit Mode is invite-only based on your prior contributions; if you'd like an invite please email us.
-   Added loading indicator to top of map when loading peaks.
- Web app:
-   Released v1 of Edit Mode, a much easier way to contribute changes to peakery's underlying peak data -- directly from the map. First version includes ability to change peak locations and delete invalid/duplicate peaks. See more in the Edit Mode FAQ. Edit Mode is invite-only based on your prior contributions; if you'd like an invite please email us.
-   Updated all maps to Mapbox GL JS v2.1.1.
-   Smoother loading of right column peaks when pan map.
-   Fixed issue of showing duplicate peaks in right column of map after adjusting browser window size.
- Android app v1.2.1:
-   Improvements to how app handles GPX tracks. Addition of a just-in-case Track Recovery option in Advanced settings.
- Web app:
-   Changed 3D map to show labels for trails, towns, roads, rivers, streams, lakes, huts, camps, glaciers, and other outdoor points of interest. Provides much better context than just a blank satellite view and still looks amazing.
-   Fixed contribution stats at the bottom of your profile.
- Web app:
-   Added this Changelog as option under More in top nav.
-   Added new map features and UI to all maps across site (3D map, photos, awards, challenges, and classics on the map). Note that different maps feature different content, such as the log detail map will only show geotagged photos from that specific log. See blog post for more details on all of the new map features.
-   Changed 3D map to load the most recent photos near the center of the 3D map vs in a 3D map bounding box. This prevents replacing photos near the center of the 3D map with photos on the horizon.
-   Updated all maps to Mapbox GL JS v2.0.1.
-  Added caching to Homepage/Latest page to greatly speed up loading time. These pages will now cache for 1 hr; if you're the first to load it for a region after an hour it'll take a bit longer to load.
-  Fixed log summary cards sometimes not showing map thumbs.