You’re invited to PEAK MONTH…
Peakery’s annual celebration of climbing mountains, PEAK MONTH, encourages you to climb as many peaks, mountains, and hills as you can from Aug 1 to Aug 31 EVERY YEAR. It's an annual excuse/kick in the butt to get out there. From gnarly, technical peaks to that gentle hill on the edge of town -- it's all good. Anyone of any experience level is welcome to participate. Add PEAK MONTH to your calendar!
How to participate:
1. Go climb as many peaks as you can anywhere in the world between Aug 1 and Aug 31.
2. Then log your climbs on peakery's iPhone app, Android app, or website. Be sure to include your photos, GPS tracks, and trip reports.
We and the rest of the peakery community look forward to seeing your mountain adventures on peakery. Go high, have (type-I & type-II) fun, and be safe out there.
– the peakery team
p.s. If your company would be interested in helping sponsor PEAK MONTH, please get in touch!
p.p.s. Check out this exciting recap of a past PEAK MONTH here.