1,407 ft / 429 m
- Highest peak in Point Reyes National Seashore
18 climbs • 6.3 mi • 1,280 ft gain • 2 hr 55 min
Latest climbs

"Ascent of Mt Wittenberg. Up Wittenberg Trail, down Horse Trail. Overgrown grassy sections throughout loop, but only Horse Trail had tons of poison oak lining both sides of the trail. BYO Technu. " — scott • Jun 14, 2020

"We hiked to Sky Camp (easy 1.5 mile slight uphill hike) and had a site that was protected from the wind and had great views of the ocean. We hiked down to the seclude beach via Woodward Valley Trail (awesome trail with the heavy cover) and spent a little time at the beach. We came up via the Laguna Trail back to camp to make a loop. Total mileage for the day was 10 miles and 2,300’ in elevation gain. On day 2, we hiked to Mt. Wittenberg and then packed up to see other parts of the park. 5 miles day and 678’ in elevation. What a beautiful park and it’s within 1.5 hours from home." — mj3920 • Jun 15, 2016

"Anticlimactic list finish at the wooded summit, enjoyed our champagne watching elephant seals at Chimney Rock instead. Scott, if you plan on adding any more peaks to this list do it in the next two months before I move!" — Christopher • Apr 11, 2015
"4.4 mile r/t w/1,350' gain from Bear Valley - Wittenberg Trail(elev:110'). Not much view of Point Reyes Nat'l Seashore from the wooded peak or lower trail. Prominence>1,000', 6 miles isolation." — BradStemm • Oct 13, 2014
"Peak 4 of 4 on the day. Partially ran this one. Very nice forest on the way up to a most unexpected clearing near the top. The actual summit is flat and forested with no views whatsoever - talk about an underwhelming finish!" — edg • Jun 1, 2014

"Lots of options in life beyond watching the Superbowl. I grabbed the kids, and a buddy of theirs for a picnic at the Point Reyes ranger station. We set off for this highest point at Point Reyes National Seashore, which just happens to be my lowest peak. Easy summit with even young kids in tow - 1.5 hrs. up and 1 hr. down. " — 40in40 • Jan 28, 2007