2,658 ft / 810 m
Most climbed route
- The true summit of Mt Allison is private property and closed to public access. Peakery places the peak marker up the road near a sign that says "do not pass this point/video monitoring".
2 climbs • 13.1 mi • 2,844 ft gain • 3 hr 38 min
1 climb • 11.7 mi • 2,691 ft gain • 3 hr 27 min
1 climb • 12.9 mi • 2,807 ft gain • 6 hr 30 min
Latest climbs

"Got roasted on this one but it serves me right. Water hubris. Finally made the trek to Monument Peak, part of the Bay Area Classic Peak Challenge. Did it as a rhike (hike the uphills, run the flats and downhills). From the top of Monument I (still) felt good so decided to head over to the maybe slightly higher(?) North Monument. From there Mount Allison looked tantalizingly close so decided to run over there. Climbed up the gravel road on Mount Allison to the point where a sign says "Do not cross this line, video monitoring, blah, blah". Bummer of a summit. But from up there Mission Peak looked tantalizingly close, so before I realized it I was heading over there. A hiker on Mission Peak was incredulous that I'd come from Milpitis side without any water, but I felt totally fine. However, the heat picked up, and by the time I'd made it to the top of Weller Peak I was cooked and could only think about the water bottle back at the car. The descent was baking hot and it seemed no matter how far left the trail went the damn lake down at the car was always way to the left. Back at the car, I chugged a full Nalgene effortlessly. Then at the minimart I chugged a Coke and a quart of Gatorad..." — scott • Oct 15, 2021

"Started at the Mission Peak trailhead on Stanford. Hiked up Horse Heaven to the saddle and headed South to the 3 Monument Peaks, then to Allison Peak and to Mission Peak. It was just under a12 mile trip, approximalty 3,239' in elevation gain, 3:06 moving time and :24 minutes stopped time. Hiked up with a day pack and trotted the ridge line to the 5 different peaks. " — mj3920 • Oct 26, 2017

"I arrived at the Stanford Ave trailhead at about 8:30 am and was surprised to take the last legal parking spot. This is a popular trail. Hiked up to the summit of Mission peak, which took and hour and then some. Hiked over to Mount Allison from there, but didn't go to the summit exactly because its fenced off with several radio towers. Saw a coyote on Mt. Allison. Hiked back to the trailhead via the Horse Heaven trail." — bobby • Jan 31, 2004