7,253 ft / 2,211 m
14 climbs • 16.3 km • 442 m gain • 3 hr 42 min • Class 1
3 climbs • 12.9 km • 714 m gain • 4 hr 17 min
2 climbs • 15.7 km • 500 m gain • 4 hr 47 min
Latest climbs

"I've done this one a few times and its great. Best done in the shoulder seasons or winter in the right conditions. Park at the Dawson trailhead follow trail towards the left to a trail sign. It will show you the rest of the way up to Cox Hill. Once you get out of the forest you go left up the slope to the ridge. From there you are about a 10 minute walk to the true summit." — Slogenstein • Feb 27, 2021

"Liz had a PD event and wasn't available until dinner time. We postponed dinner and went for a quick evening one up Cox Hill. Windy and snowy.
4 foot drifts in spots. Snow starts to become an issue at 1900m." — mike_rogers81 • May 27, 2019

"Just a pleasant hike up to the top. Didn't take anything (no water, snacks, jacket) other than a GPS. Just a walk up and down. Looked at the route I would do a few hours later." — BertB • Jul 15, 2018

"First time here in about 18 years. Lots of snow, but a packed trail and wind blown on the summit ridge. Lots of wind at the summit and only 2 out of 6 of us went all the way. Elevation gain 860m, YTD 8672m." — MtnJohn • Mar 2, 2013

"Beautiful day with a long hike from Jumpingpound Mountain to Cox Hill and return. Very windy at the Summit of Cox Hill with snowstorm moving in from the west. Didn't spend much time on top as the winds were strong and it was beginning to blow snow" — Mountainman • Nov 12, 2011

"•Trip Activity: Hike
•Location: Kananaskis Country
•Attained Summit?: Yes
•Trip Date: Friday, January 21, 2011 (moonlight)
•Summit Elevation: 2197m
•Elevation Gain: 861m
This was a moonlight Scramble with about 20 other people. It was actually a lot of fun but I think I prefer daylight :0) Very easy hike, steady elevation gain but doesnt require any scrambling except one part that takes two steps so not worth mentioning really.
" — ScRaMbLeRCuTiE • Jan 21, 2011

"First trip of Cox Hill. A bit of snow on the side slopes but other then that pretty decent ascent. Met a fellow from Calgary at the summit who does quite a few hikes and scrambles every year." — Mountainman • Apr 1, 2006