4,606 ft / 1,404 m
- Santanoni Peak is an Adirondack 46er mountain located in the Santanoni Mountains of the High Peaks Wilderness Area in the Adirondacks.
- A remote peak with no official trail to the summit.
- Flanked to the north by Panther Peak, and to the southwest by Little Santanoni Mountain.
26 climbs • 16.6 mi • 4,210 ft gain • 12 hr 12 min
15 climbs • 17.6 mi • 4,462 ft gain • 11 hr 44 min
3 climbs • 21.9 mi • 4,020 ft gain • 9 hr 46 min
2 climbs • 11.6 mi • 2,890 ft gain • 8 hr 46 min
Latest climbs

"Started from Upper Works Rd at 7:30 am. Hot, muggy day to start, bugs were out. Walked the flat access road for 1.8 miles before turning onto the marked trail. Wet, muddy, gradual ascent to the herd path towards Times Square. Patches of snow along the creek beds made the climb difficult. Hit Panther first, which was a quick, easy trip from TS. Great views, bald and windy summit. Next was Couchsachraga, a boring 4 total miles down and up from TS and the summit had minimal views. Ascent back up to TS was steep and tiring. Last was Santanoni, which was a moderate down and up from TS, a few false summits with decent views. The steep descent down Santanoni Express was the worst part: more snow patches, got caught in a hail/thunderstorm, ran low on water and had to fill up in the creek. All in all, a very tiring but rewarding day to capture 3 HP's, conditions were not ideal. 16.25 miles in 11:45 hours, 5050 ft elevation gain." — gregoryskiba • May 22, 2022

"What a day! Arrived at trailhead 80 minutes before sunrise: first few miles hiked by moonlight. Foggy early morning gave way to a cloud inversion, visible from the summits of Santanoni and Panther, but dissipated by Couch summit. Absolutely perfect weather for hiking, and the leaves were just starting to change. Arguably one of the best hikes so far!" — hunterjfrost • Sep 25, 2021

"Began at 6:30 and headed up Santanoni express. Very mudddy at top but good climb. Headed over to Couch. The bog wasn’t as bad as expected and a lot smaller. Took time to get out there and back, then went up Panther. Didn’t expect the “little” bog going up to Panther. Came down the backside. This took some time but overall not a bad hike…just long. Returned to parking lot just before 6." — bbergman • Sep 11, 2021

"Got a super early start and it was dark and spooky in the woods. Craved pizza all day. We did this really fast! I liked Panther the most- felt very remote and wooded. Couch was just as lame as everyone says it is!" — hanawalton • Jul 6, 2021

"A beautiful day out to climb, Cloudy with fine snow on the summit , Trails were deep packed snow which made it prefect for snowshoeing out and back,, Great group hike to watch fellow hiker receive his 46er designation, Congrats Francis " — ramjet1963 • Feb 22, 2020

"Very long day in the Santas. Alongside my 46er friend from Latham, we went up Santanoni Express to a very socked in Santanoni summit. From there, the sun came out as we walked the ridge to Times Square and down to Couch. Descent to Couch was muddy and slick and the bog was tricky to navigate through. Bright sunshine on the wooded summit of Couch. Returned back to Times Square and over to Panther. Loved the outlook just before the summit of Panther. Descended to Bradley Brook and out under headlamps." — JMindlin12463 • Sep 3, 2019

"Finally completed the Santanoni range!Even this weekend had lots of rain in the forecast, the Sunday turned out to be quite lovely to do this hike.Back on July 20th we tried to complete the 3 summit of Couchsachraga, Panther and Santanoni but the Heat wave cut us short.We were disappointed at the time but it was the right thing to do.So now, on this beautiful we did this quite challenging hike. There was lots of mud and climbing involve.It was a long day but fill with memories. Also the view is quite good, we were expecting less than that. Which is always a pleasant surprise.
" — CPaquin • Aug 18, 2019

"17 miles in 12 hours. Hiked with Rylan and Tijan. Awesome day! Went up the express which wasn’t bad, over to Couch which was my favorite part of the hike. The view from Panther was incredible but the trek from Panther to Bradley pond sucked. What an awesome day!!" — Amanda46 • Aug 11, 2019

"Crazy day in the mountains with inspired 46ers Bill Houmiel 43/46 and Laurie Sargent 35/46 and my 26/46, Todays climb was to hike and concur the Santanoni Range, Panther ,Couch and Santanoni Peaks. Beautiful day out, not to hot and not to cold, very few bugs with a nice breeze to make every step enjoyable except the mud, I hate mud lol. Not really, I know its all apart of the activity of hiking in mountainous settings, Just over 19 miles,11 1/2hrs back to the car. Just wanted to encourage all my friends to get out and do what you love!" — ramjet1963 • Jun 15, 2019

"Tom, Black and I left Tawhus lot at 6 am with overcast skies @ 55 degrees and a promise of rain in the afternoon. Trail was rocky, muddy with water running down most of the trail. Summited at 9 am in heavy clouds. To the express trail to the summit. Light rain on the way out. Returned to car at 1:30." — garyogden • Jun 2, 2019