5,456 ft / 1,663 m
58 climbs • 3.1 mi • 1,025 ft gain • 1 hr 31 min • Class 1
4 climbs • 2.9 mi • 1,000 ft gain • 1 hr 46 min
Latest climbs

"For a experienced hiker this is an easy climb to the top. The views during the first half mile were the best. After a mile you are behind the mountain and only see a vast expanse of mostly flat desert. The last half mile was not very steep. The view from the top was okay, but I thought the rocks and Joshua trees near the beginning were prettier. Nice hike just to say I did it, but I wouldn’t do it again. Still a few wildflowers on the trail. May 27, 2019. Hiked the first half mile with Mom. " — runningvegan • May 27, 2019

"Nice easy hill featuring an incredible, staired trail, lovely views, and a giant cairn at the summit. Stacks well with other HPS peaks in the park. Frustrations include potential crowds and some false summits." — JustinB • May 20, 2018

"Hiked Ryan Mountain after climbing Headstone Rock. Easy and fast trip to the top. We saw a huge swarm of bees working their way up the mountain during our decent. It was within 1/3 mile from the parking lot/trailhead. We waited as they slowly move across the trail 100 yrs in front of us. I've never experience anything like this before. It was a massive swarm! " — mj3920 • Mar 20, 2017

"Part of a camping weekend in Joshua Tree - spent the day hiking around other areas of Joshua tree, then finished off with a quick hike up Ryan Mountain. Way too many people for my liking, but the view was great and Doug and I did sweat, so it was a good hike! Weather was perfect!" — Brenda • Feb 21, 2015

"With one day of the family vacation to Disneyland set aside for peak bagging I explored several options, including San Jacinto and San Gorgiono. I settled on a few small mountains within Joshua Tree National Park, mainly because of the weather forecast and winter conditions at higher elevations in the area.
We left Anaheim at 5:45am and reached the guard post on Monument Road at 8. My wife and I have always enjoyed a nice road trip, and the alien landscape within Joshua Tree is filled with awesome sights. As we made our way through the park we could see several different stages of erosion laid out in the hills and mountains surrounding us.
Lost Horse Mountain was our first destination for the day. We started out under clear blue skies but the wind was fierce. About 2 miles in we were surprised by a few small patches of snow. Shortly afterward we left the road and followed the Southwest Ridge to the first of 3 false summits.
The wind speed continued to increase and nearly blew me over as I took pictures from the summit. The snow-capped San Jacinto and San Gorgiano mountains stood out to the West. I signed the summit log and headed down to the old mine, eyeballing or next de..." — Jeb • Feb 24, 2013