3,820 ft / 1,164 m
16 climbs • 6.5 mi • 1,693 ft gain • 3 hr 41 min
15 climbs • 7.2 mi • 1,837 ft gain • 5 hr 38 min
Latest climbs

"I didn't have the best conditions, and no views at the summit for me, but it was still an enjoyable hike. A bit less strenuous than I was expecting it. My sixth hike of the Fire Tower Challenge!" — v_racine • Oct 28, 2023

"We were glad to find the seasonal road open all the way to the trailhead. Tom and l left the trailhead at 8:50 under cloudy, breezy skies at 35 degrees. We decided to take the old, less used trail to the summit. 20 minutes into the hike we donned our snow shoes. Conditions on the old trail were perfect for snow shoes. Summited in 1 hr 30 mins. Snow was 3 feet deep just below the summit. Unfortunately there were no views from the tower do to blowing snow and low cloud cover. Temps in the 20s and wind chills in the single digits. A great hike regardless. Returned on the old trail in under 1 hour." — garyogden • Apr 10, 2022

"Trail conditions are still manageable as long as you pack micro-spikes, I would imagine that snowshoes will be necessary a few weeks from now. High winds at the summit but not an issue on the ascent. " — braydon-racine • Nov 15, 2020

"Amazing afternoon, Trail still pretty easy to follow and gets steep around the last mile Lyon Mountain offers some amazing views at its summit and a fire tower bonus ,,, 3.4 miles from the trailhead to summit" — ramjet1963 • Sep 23, 2018

"Hiked with Tommy. He realized when he got to my house that he had forgotten his boots at home like a total doofus so we had to head southbound prior to heading up to the trailhead. We decided to take the switch-backy new trail which was fantastic, a narrow trail through beautiful new-growth forest & a very pleasant undulating gain to the summit. We had a completely bluebird day with 10 mile visibility at the summit, & the trees and tower covered in hoarfrost were incredible to behold. Despite single digit temperatures, the wind was mild and we hung out at the summit for quite awhile. On the way down we decided to take the old trail and zipped back to the car in no time. Overall a really fantastic hike. Days like today are why I love to get out there and bag peaks. " — kellieirene • Feb 18, 2016
"Headed all the way up here today after a delayed start since I forgot my boots before heading to my sisters house. It was a beautiful blue bird day in the mountains and didn't feel cold like the single digit temperature reading indicated. The new trail was very nice and though it's longer it was definitely worth taking. Took the old trail down and made very good time back to the car. " — LGH-Tom • Feb 18, 2016
"Hiked Lyon and Pocomoonshine mtns for the winter fire tower challenge. Nice views but a bit breezy from a cab with no windows. Bare-booted up then 'shoed down to take advantage of some creative shortcuts." — Nimblefoot • Jan 30, 2016

"The new trail is great, switchbacks almost all the way up making the climb easy to moderate. Views from the top are great. The ledge alows views North, East and South, climb the tower to look west." — hbotc • Aug 9, 2015

"Enjoyed a great hike up this short steep trail (old trail) to the firetower and then explored the trail for another 0.4 miles or so beyond the tower to the back of the ridge - great views from there as well. We returned down the trail and then decided to hike up the new trail for about a mile. The new trail is perfect for young kids or those who want a more gentle hike. Very nice mountain." — deb-and-rob • Jul 28, 2015

"Beautiful fall day but early season snow & ice awaited me on the upper sections of the trail. Views from the tower were
phenomenal. The High Peaks to the south; the Greens to the east; & Montreal to the north. Lyon was once home to a
lost ski area." — billsussdorff • Oct 13, 2012