10,850 ft / 3,307 m
19 climbs • 6.6 mi • 2,039 ft gain • 5 hr 10 min
Latest climbs

"We had planned Split for Tuesday, but storms in the area dictated an easy climb. We settled on Hoffman since Justin wanted some more Yosemite granite. One of the best summit views of any peak in Yosemite with 360 views of both the high country and down into the valley. Was also proud of my sister and brother in law for climbing Half Dome that day.
Complete TR: http://themtsarecalling.com/hoffmann/" — Christopher • Aug 23, 2016
"A rare gloomy and dark day in Yosemite. Smoke from the El Portal, French, and Dark Hole fires combined with a low cloud level killed visibility. I still enjoyed the climb despite the weather. Top of this peak is run by marmots." — edg • Aug 3, 2014

"On day 2 of our week long trip in Yosemite we Hit Hoffman from May Lake. Awesome hike on a beautiful day! Loved the meadow near the top. The views from up here are among the best in Yosemite. Lots of Marmots on this hike. This was My 1st time up here, our 3rd peak of the trip, and #47 of my 100 in 2014 goal." — 1-with-Nature • Jul 12, 2014

"Came out to Yose for some dayhiking along Tioga road to acclimate the weekend before starting the John Muir Trail. After a morning around Gaylor lakes came over to Hoffmann in the afternoon. I loved the pile or rocks by the summit - make it easy or more difficult, your choice. I chose harder on the way up, easy on the way down. Wheee! Watch out for the evil marmots on the summit." — calipidder • Jul 29, 2007