5,034 ft / 1,534 m
9 climbs • 5.1 mi • 1,348 ft gain • 2 hr 58 min
3 climbs • 8.5 mi • 2,486 ft gain • 4 hr 46 min
1 climb • 8.1 mi • 2,509 ft gain • 3 hr 52 min
1 climb • 8.5 mi • 2,700 ft gain • 4 hr 28 min
Latest climbs

"Early am trail run that petered out into a hike. Rainier was obscured by clouds until it burst out on final summit ridge. Saw a black bear driving back from TH, looked cute/strong." — scott • Jul 6, 2020

"Hex mountain is near Roslyn, WA overlooking Lake Cle Elum. It is a fantastic snow shoe hike on a clear day with expansive views of Mount Rainier, the Enchantments and Lake Cle Elum. The ascent to the summit of Hex Mountain is gradual which makes for a nice descent that is easy on the knees." — joeerickson • Jan 25, 2019

"WTA Trail report written by the boys, who joined us:
We are the 'lil Mountain Goats, Terrence (10) and Nathan (13), and we climbed Hex Mountain using snowshoes. This was our second attempt to summit Hex Mountain, and with an early start and good weather, we made it this time.
The road conditions were really good - the road is plowed, and there wasn't any snow on the road until right by where we parked (see previous reports for where to park). The trail was OK - there was snow at the beginning, but then the route up had dirt, mud and ice, so we went off trail in order to stay in the snow, since we'd put our snowshoes on. At the actual trailhead, the snow was much nicer. We probably didn't need snowshoes until towards the very top, and a lot of people who came up after us had no snowshoes, or just micro spikes.
Once you leave the forest and are on the ridge, it was really windy and cold. We had hoods to cover our faces. The trail was very easy to follow and we moved fast to try and get out of the wind and stay warm. At the summit, we did not spend a lot of time there. We had a quick lunch, and the views weren't great because of snow clouds coming in. We could not see the Stu..." — BryHong8 • Feb 25, 2017

"Went up on snowshoes. Snow had about an inch of ice on top in many places. We decided to summit Point 3501 as well, but didn't take the best approach. The 500 feet in gain on the western slope of Point 3501 was the toughest part of the entire trip. After that, it was an easy trip to the summit of Hex. Chose to take the forest service road out from about elevation 3400." — mathiasricken • Feb 12, 2017

"No snow shoes needed. Nice compacted snow. Parked on 903 and walked the FS road up about 1.8 miles to Hex Mountain trailhead. Followed the trail to the summit. Easy short day." — rebecca1 • Jan 27, 2013

"I headed East today looking for sunshine, and found it all around Lake Cle Elum. The road to the trailhead has snow at around 3000 ft but was nicely rutted out down to gravel until a half mile from the trailhead, where I parked. The road I ended up on (after trying a few possibilities for rd 116 to Trail 1343 only to find housing developments) is the second turn south of Davis Creek and was signed "Sasse Mtn Trailhead 3" at the turnoff. The sign at the TH indicates the trail as Sasse Mtn Trail No. 1302, which is not on the Green Trails Map No. 208 for Kachess Lake, and seems to be the same as Trail 1340 on that map.
Despite any confusion, the trail was straight-forward and had the intermittent snow had been stamped down by a group of 6 ahead of me :up:. Snow covered the ground from the camp at about 4000' and got at least 2' deep by the top. One of my dogs feet started to bleed less than a half mile from the top, dashing my plans to continue on to Sasse.
I passed the 2 leaders as they waited at the false summit for the rest of their group. They were slightly hesitant to accept that they weren't already on the true summit. Beyond them there was a solo set of tracks running pa..." — Jeb • Dec 1, 2012