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"Grubbit Law, in Scotland, had the coolest name of any of the first ascents I’d nabbed. But Wolf Benchmark might be better. I mean, what kind of benchmarks does a wolf need? This climb starts in the Allegheny National Forest, close to the New York border on Forest Road 151, followed by a bushwhack to the summit. There’s an abandoned hunting shack at the summit and a ferny meadow, no views. Look at the last photo; as soon as you cross the line into New York, there are dozens more peaks than on the Pennsylvania side. Eons ago, when the glaciers were dropping mountains in New York, they got to the Pennsylvania line and one glacier said to another, “You goin’ in there?” The second glacier said, “I’m not going in there.” A third glacier said, “C’mon guys, it’s not gonna get weird down there till humans evolve.” The first glacier said, “Nothing doing. Ima leave those backward sumnabitches unglaciated.”" — briansnyder • Jul 26, 2024