
9,414 ft / 2,869 m

#138 in Alaska

#8,200 in United States


9,414 ft / 2,869 m

#7 in Alaska

#12 in United States


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  • Mount Shishaldin is the highest mountain in the Aleutian Islands.
  • A moderately active volcano on Unimak Island in the Aleutian Islands chain of Alaska.
  • The most symmetrical cone-shaped glacier-clad large mountain on earth, the volcano's topographic contour lines are nearly perfect circles above 6,500 feet.
  • The lower north and south slopes are somewhat steeper than the lower eastern and western slopes.
  • The volcano is the westernmost of three large stratovolcanoes along an east-west line in the eastern half of Unimak Island.
  • The upper 6,000 feet is almost entirely covered by glacial snow and ice. In all, Shishaldin's glacial shield cover about 35 square miles.
  • A very steady steam plume rises from its small summit crater which is about 500 feet across and slightly breached along the north rim.
  • An Alaska Grade 1 climb with snow up to a 40 degree slope, Shishaldin is a popular ski descent (6,000 feet) for local climbers.
  • Not often climbed by outsiders due to its remoteness.