
8.6 km to summit

17.5 km total


1,454 m start

2,269 m max


1,053 m gain


4 hr 41 min to summit

8 hr 53 min total

It was more than what I had hoped for. I was hoping it would have been a bit easier, but no, still lots of snow and bushwhacking. We persevered and got it done however.

Route name

East slopes


road/access issues, routefinding, bushwhacking, snow on route

Key gear

snowshoes, trekking poles, GPS device


Hey, how was that deviation you guys took on the way up? I was curious about following that ridge


It was pretty good actually. We ended up a bit off Spirko's track, following along a path of sorts. Leigh-Anne wasn't so keen on it, but we followed it up to a small bump. From there there was a path open on one side that took us back to Spirko's track. I think it was about 700m longer, but I'm sure it gets travelled either by cattle, game orpeople. On the way back we did Spirko's route, but that was significantly more bushwhacking. I decided to call it the Blankenstein deviation, haha.