
11.8 km to summit

17.9 km total


1,778 m start

3,126 m max


2,000 m gain


8 hr 26 min to summit

11 hr 27 min total

Silverhorn - Weed traverse: 16.8km return in 2,000m gain in 11:30hrs car-to-car.
Got a snow storm on Silverhorn's NW ridge, whiteout at the summit but decent weather after. Even 10-15 mins of sunshine in the afternoon.
On descent followed a normal trail for about a half, then traversed to skier's left till another "drainage". It was a creek in cliffs with few waterfalls. Stayed in the forest on its right till more or less flat surface. Then direct line to parking with a bit of bushwacking.

Route name

SE Ridge/Slopes (traverse to/from Silverhorn)


routefinding, stream crossing, bushwhacking, rockfall/loose rock, snow on route, weather

Key gear

ice axe, helmet, trekking poles, GPS device