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"This is the second time I climbed Mweelrea. We did the whole horseshoe starting from and finishing in Delphi. The visibility was poor most of the time but by the time we climbed Mw" - Mweelrea, hannahaapio, Jun 19, 2022
"Parking in the large car park in Murrisk (fee 2 euros), we took the standard route up by the heavily eroded pilgrim trail to the col west of Taobh na Cruaich. Then over a minor to" - Croagh Patrick, marktrengove2, Oct 7, 2019
"Staying at Cleggan. Solo. Attempt at Mweelrea, Ben Bury and Ben Lugmore. Started by using forest tracks from Delphi Resort. These provide an easy way through the forested way on th" - Derreennawinshin, peter43, Jul 8, 2017
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