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"As far as I can determine, this is the 4th highest "named" highpoint in Iowa. The "summit" is not definite with a single high point, but my son, Marshall, and I were able to easily walk the length of the Granger Hill ridgeline and feel comfortable that we reached the highest spot sometime during our hike. My GPS showed an elevation over 1390 feet at the southeast end of the ridgeline, which is higher than the contour lines shown on topo maps of the area. Granger Hill is located on private property, but there were no posted signs in 2011. We were unable to contact the landowner for permission, so we just jumped the fence and made a quick ascent with no problems. There were few views from the "summit" due to forest vegetation. We felt uncomfortable crossing the land without permission, especially as we walked through a field covered with hundreds of wild marijuana plants!" — Stewy • Jul 13, 2011