13,536 ft / 4,126 m
2 climbs • 23.4 mi • 5,737 ft gain • 15 hr 33 min
Latest climbs

"10/14/24: From Epaulette. Took a more direct route back down the ridge via the NE slopes. Decided to descend back down to the Lakes just shy of point 12182. It seemed a more interesting route with top shelf views back up the Beartrack Basin and the huge walls of Epaulie. Finished packing up camp as quick as possible and made it on the trail just past sunset. It was a pleasant hike out mostly by moonlight until reaching the denser tree cover for the last few miles. Good day for wildlife too: moose, elk, snowshoe hare, grouse; and I may have carried a “pack” rat home!
Summit: (5.8/2530)
Day: (12/2660)
Trip: (17.7/5000)" — LoneWolf • Oct 14, 2024

"Epaulie is a short 20 min. hike from Epaulet's summit to the north. The summit boulders offer nice relief from the wind. The clouds started to build so I didn't stay long. I headed south to Rosalie and then down to Tahana and Kataka." — WaxDr • Jun 17, 2017