8,756 ft / 2,669 m
Most climbed route
1 climb • 8.2 mi • 3,406 ft gain • 5 hr 24 min
Latest climbs

"Went up the southwest ridge - very steep. We also lost the trail to get up on little baldy and had to bushwhack straight up until we reached the ridge - not fun. Great hike overall, though!" — Hilljr • Jun 22, 2013
"Took the Southwest Ridge up leaving from Dry Canyon, then headed down to the Battle Creek Trail Head. One of the bridges was out at the second river crossing and we had to improvise. " — chilledsausage • Aug 16, 2011

"This was my first peak when I was 11. It was the first of a series of Scouting trips meant to prepare us for a 50-mile hike through the High Uintas. They were only allowing 12-year old Scouts to go on the 50-miler, but since I turned 12 during the big trip, they allowed me to go on all the preparatory hikes, as well." — BarnettD • Jun 5, 1999