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TL;DR: Best view ever/Moderate Scramble/Full of people who have no idea where they are.
I attempted the Scramble 2 days earlier and was turned around at Wilcox Pass by a storm that came out of nowhere and packing major wind and heavy rain. But the weather on this day was something you could only dream of. I started at the Wilcox Car/Tent Camping and enjoyed the original trail all to my self. A clear water stream prone to waterfalls hugs this trail. Once I gained Wilcox Pass I decided to Scramble the rocky ridge from start to finish left of the visible path, I did not regret this decision. The view was unbelievably breathtaking, the monsters that painted the horizon--Andromeda, Athabasca, Kitchener--treats for my eyes. I took an hour lunch on a rock slab and simply sat in awe.
The summit approach has moderate exposure not to be taken lightly (I've seen people in sneakers and t-shirts with "go-pros" on this approach and I can't imagine what they could do if a fast moving storm moved through). Summit view is unbelievable, and Wilcox Pass is teaming with wild life as I figured out while I surprised a grazing herd of Big Horn Sheep in the rocky moss covered meadows rich with hills and streams. This is the site of a pair of Red Chairs.


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