
3.2 mi to summit

5.7 mi total


2,788 ft start

3,595 ft max


923 ft gain


1 hr 47 min to summit

4 hr 44 min total

So like many the initial trailhead is hard to locate. I did the guardrail jump and located the trail. Like many have said this is a moderate hike with plenty of false summits. The trail is eroded in many places and plenty of loose rocks. So the best way I can suggest to find the trail is to start out on the Morgan Trail. Hike to the sign-in box and do an about-face. Take about 20 steps back the way you came and you'll see a trail split off of the Morgan Trail. This is the trail to the peak. Watch for signs along the way as the trail has really been overgrown near the creek. once you get some elevation the trail is easy to follow.


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