
8.7 km to summit

19.2 km total


1,359 m start

2,958 m max


1,587 m gain


6 hr 16 min to summit

10 hr 39 min total

It was a hot day. I started up with the bike from Redearth, but I walked the bike up a good chunk of the way and cycled the pretty much flat parts. Had no trouble finding the way up. The ledges were wet and my boots got a bit muddy so caution was exercised there. Got up higher, slogged up the slopes (I was moving pretty slow). Put the crampons on for the 10m snow slope in the gully by the flake. Left the crampons there, and continued up pretty steep slopes. Avoided the big snow slopes and got to the top. On the way down I decided to try the big scree slope, and eventually traversed over far enough (to avoid cliffing out) to end up in the lovely bushwhack for Mt Brett. This is what I had intended, but clearly I forgot how bad the bushwhack was. Got back to the bike, and out.


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