
5.1 mi to summit

12.6 mi total


2,346 ft start

5,082 ft max


2,708 ft gain


2 hr 48 min to summit

5 hr 24 min total

This is my fourth summit of Mount Lukens, even though the last visit was 19 years ago. As far as I know, this was my first visit to The Redoubt, though. Each of the four times I did it in a different way. The first way was via Stone Canyon from the north. The second way was via Haines Canyon from the west. The third way was via Angeles Crest Highway and Mt Lukens Truck Trail from the east. The fourth way involved Deukmeijian Wilderness Park from the south. However, instead of descending via Dunsmore Canyon, I took the wide loop into Haines Canyon and concluded the hike with 2.5 miles of tranquil hillside community street walking. My phone died with 1.5 miles to go, so the GPX is incomplete, but it isn't difficult to piece the rest of it together. It was good to reconnect with portions of an old trail from the past. Hiking stats are: 14.1 miles and 3,297 feet of elevation gain.

Route name

Mount Lukens 12.6 mi route


no info yet

Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip