
3.9 mi to summit

9.0 mi total


9,749 ft start

12,558 ft max


3,039 ft gain


4 hr 0 min to summit

8 hr 51 min total

A nice trip up Mt Conness from the Saddlebag Lake area. Routefinding is a bit of a challenge in some areas, and the AllTrails GPS track is extremely wrong. (Don't follow my track either.)

The real route looks like this: follow the trail up to Alpine Lake. Follow the lake around until there's a clear path up to the north. Make your way up to higher ground, and then traverse over to the ridgeline. On the right side of the ridge, there's a notch that will take you across. (My track shows this spot accurately.) From here, it's quite obvious how to traverse to the summit, which is mostly class 2 and a bit of class 3 scrambling. Probably anybody in good condition could make the climb if they've got a little scrambling experience and they're not too acrophobic.

The views from the top are phenomenal. Among others, you can easily see Matterhorn Peak to the north, Half Dome, Clouds Rest and Mt Hoffman to the west, and Mt Dana, Koip & Kuna Peak, Mt Ritter and Mt Lyell to the south. It's well worth the trip up.


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