11,972 ft / 3,649 m
1 climb • 11.9 mi • 1,690 ft gain • 7 hr 26 min
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"Left at 10:30 am from about 9,651 feet up on road 316, about a mile from the trail to Caviness Mountain. Crew included Doyle and his dog, Spiller, and my dog Curtis. Encountered snow cover about 1.5 miles in but it was pretty firm. Kept climbing on firm snow and got to the big meadow at 11k feet (2.5 hours from the start). Climbed up meadow and around the forest and reached the main south ridge w/ lots of snow and cornices. Put on our crampons and climbed the ridge (w/ a couple of small intermittent snowshowers on the way up). Reached the peak in 4:20 in perfect sunlight, and hung out at the top for 30 minutes. Started our descent down and I couldn't resist the urge to run down the steep snow fields, leaving Doyle and Spiller behind.
Of course a huge storm rolled in, lightning striking nearby, and my joyful run turned into a full-on sprint towards the first tree field. I took off crampons and hiking pole and took shelter, waiting for Doyle and feeling bad that I left him behind. Went up and checked and lightning struck closeby so I ran back down. Doyle (67 year old w/ 40+ years of alpine experience) comes casually strolling in with a smile on his face...I ask him if we are safe..." — brookswmitchell • May 6, 2017