6,812 ft / 2,076 m
Most climbed route
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"A mediocre sneak hike / brush swim up the south ridge of Lookout Mountain in upper 80s temperatures. The upper portion of the firebreak / use trail is in much better shape than the lower portion which is being reclaimed by yucca and buckthorn. This summit is much lower than the surrounding range so it felt hemmed in, but it afforded excellent views of Bear Ridge on Mt Baldy." — edg • Jul 26, 2019

"Started out early and expected other hikers on the day, but there were no other hikers climbing the mountain on this Saturday. There were several cars parked at Cow Canyon Saddle, but apparently they went up Sunset Peak. I didn't mind the solo day at all, especially since the trail goes through sections of overgrown vegetation and/or missing trail that slid down the slope. The last thing I needed to do was also dodge other hikers coming in the other direction. Despite the less than perfect trail conditions, I was still able to determine the right way to go all the way up the mountain, which means that the trail is really not in terrible condition. It would have been nice if I wore long pants, though, since my shins got scratched up pretty good. On the way up and at the summit, there are great views of the other mountains in the range, such as the Three T's, Sugarloaf Mountain, Iron Mountain, and Mount San Antonio. I combined this with a visit to Peak 6930, which is about a mile away from the summit. Total for both peaks is about 6 miles and about 2500 feet of elevation gain." — MikeTeeples • Nov 25, 2017

"Saturday was Lookout mountain #2 time with my daughter and Josh-trip was awsome, started by going around a gate (do not pass, private Property, Blah, Blah, Blah) was told that they HAVE to open it to hikers by March-we had a copy of the pass so I'm Good-as we start on the trail, some rancher is sitting in his truck looking at us (and "cleaning" his gun) fortunately I dont intimidate real well (ok-a little-lets get a move on people!) made it to the top around 1:30 pm-trail is in better shape than the last time.....but YES, got off the trail coming back (I REFUSE to say lost) used the GPS and it said we were about a 1/4 mile off (and about 600' to low) little scrambling through the brush (Josh fell into the Yucca plants-Note: DONT fall into the Yuccas! Pulled out a thorn that was in a full 1" deep! made it out by 4:50! These are the kind of "adventures" I love! Last time someone signed in to the register was in Feb, and before that December! Off the beaten track!!!" — Curt • Mar 26, 2016

"A clear trail to the top, though seldom traveled. I saw many more deer and other animal prints than human prints on the way up. I loaded the Sierra Club GPX file into my iPhone, but found that it did a poor job of marking the actual trail. Just follow the trail as it goes and you will do much better." — jimduvall • Oct 3, 2015

"Training and acclimatization hike for a Sierra trip the next week. Started at the Bear Canyon Trail in Baldy Village but quickly left the trail WSW up the steep and rocky "Erv Bartlel" Canyon (HPS Route #3). Found the use trail and followed it to the saddle. Continued cross-country up the ridge to the summit.
After enjoying the shadeless summit, continued cross-country up the ridge to intersect the Bear Canyon Trail at ~8,400 ft, then up to Mount Baldy. Spent the night on the summit and enjoyed a cool, breezy night and a full moon.
6,000 ft of elevation gain, mostly cross-country, over less than 6 miles, with a full pack, in 90 degree heat! Was dead by the time I made it to the top." — klotito • Aug 29, 2015