
6.1 km to summit

12.3 km total


1,607 m start

2,548 m max


952 m gain


4 hr 0 min to summit

8 hr 0 min total

Last 250 vertical meters on Leyland Mountain is way harder than expected. The terrain gets very steep with loose rock and slabs on scree. It is followed by scramble on slabs towards the false summit and a beautiful ridgewalk towards the summit. The exposure never gets deadly and some easier options exist but a lot of caution is required. The easiest route I would rate as Class 3 or "upper moderate scramble".

From Leyland Mountain, we tried to traverse the ridge towards Luscar Mountain. The scramble quickly turned into mountaineering. The ridge was more rugged than expected and the snow on the ridge created more challenges. At one point, we walked on an snow arete with a few hundred meters drop-off on one side. A few meters later we had to clear the snow on a knife-edge ridge with an ice-axe to see where to step. There was still 3.2km to Luscar Mountain. What we saw ahead looked as difficult as the part that we had covered. We decided to abort the traverse and descend the steep and very loose south slopes of Leyland and rejoin the ascent route. Luscar Mountain will wait another time.

Route name

Leyland Mountain 12.3 km route


routefinding, stream crossing, bushwhacking, rockfall/loose rock, snow on route

Key gear

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