
1.7 mi to summit

3.8 mi total


8,487 ft start

9,984 ft max


1,640 ft gain


1 hr 28 min to summit

3 hr 13 min total

This is more of a conditions report than a trip report. South-facing, and even some north-facing routes to big peaks in Kyle Canyon look mostly snow-free. I took the ridge up, which is largely free of brush since the 2013 fire. The road is navigable by careful driving and a car with more that 7" clearance AND a good spare tire. The worst issue with the road is that the upper portion has just a few turnouts in the switchbacks; it would be extremely hard to pass another car.

I first went up Harris almost 20 years ago.


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Other peaks climbed on this trip


I have used you website many times. Thank you so much for all the information. Would love to buy you a beer or go for a hike sometime!