
2.6 mi to summit

12.2 mi total


4,442 ft start

7,207 ft max


3,426 ft gain


3 hr 18 min to summit

7 hr 6 min total

Nice day out in the NCA . Came up Willow springs overlook first then I tried to find deception peak(not on here ) but didn’t have much luck. Was standing right on top of the coordinates that I had on Google but didn’t see a register or anything . Went up to Goodman and tagged that, and moved up to north. Snow and ice are pretty minimal until you get over to crest , then it starts to get quite icy. Too icy to traverse all the way over to yoga and bridge . Came back and got lost creek, but tried to come down the face and got cliffed out/lost . Was super annoying cause I could see the rock stack leading me down the gully but couldn’t find a line down the 30 ft dry fall or anything around it . Made me wish I had untied and took one of the many useless hand lines I encountered along the way. Had to go back up and out the way I came and come down the easy way.


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CP called that Crest Peak, but it was already known locally as "Limestone North Peak."