
0.5 mi to summit

5.3 mi total


4,834 ft start

7,395 ft max


2,914 ft gain


59 min to summit

5 hr 4 min total

This a good shoulder-season trip, as one starts in the shade before 8AM. I dont post here much, except to say what not to do! The way I took up "The Fortress" (named by BSA long ago, here called "Cottonwood Overlook"), Meditation Point, North Potosi (here called "Buddha's Rest") started with some totally unnecessary breaking through a cliff band. I explored some shelters (shallow caves) that I had seen for years. It rained about half the day, just light sprinkles, but the weather put a slight damper on my explorations.

Route name

Tom's Trail


no info yet

Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip