Highest peak
28,251 ft / 8,611 m
Most prominent peak
Mount Logan
17,224 ft / 5,249 m prom
Most climbed peak
Mount Kenya (Batian Peak)
14 climbs
Most difficult peak
no info yet
Difficulty breakdown
no info yet
Latest climbs

"Clear climb, very cold, we started of Tejos at 1.00am... climbed with my friend Filip Vasileski, we were the first macedonians to summit the highest volcano in the world...!!!" — mitreskig • Jan 18, 2020

"Me, Goran Mitreski, Ljupco Gjorgiev and Zoran Pavlovic- Paca climbed Ojos del Salado in 13 days via normal Chilean route.
Camps: Laguna Santa Rosa, Laguna Verde, Atacama, Tejos.
Acclimatization: Siete Hermanos, Mulas Muertas, San Francisco." — FilipVasileski • Jan 18, 2020

"My second attempt to climb Ojos. I made it to the crater and because of bad acclimatization i wasnt feeling good and i went down. Cristian Codjambasis , my friend from Chile who was climbing with me came down even he was feeling ok to continue to the summit. Thanks my friend!" — FilipVasileski • Jan 20, 2018

"My first attempt on Ojos del Salado. I went to climb alone but I met a lot of friends on the mountain. My friend Christian Codjambasis came with me to the highest point towards the summit on altitude of 6500 meters asl but because of deep snow we couldn't continue further. We were ''lucky'' to encounter the ''Invierno boliviano'' or Bolivian winter. That's the snow coming from north from Bolivia. We came down safe to the high camp Tejos 5800 m in bad weather and we slept there one night before continuing down to Atacama." — FilipVasileski • Jan 22, 2017

"Climbed Mount Kenya through some fair weather days. Unbelievable views of the African plains and peaks all around. Had unfortunately tp turn back a couple of pitches before Nelion due to nightfall during the climb. Took some 30 continues hours of trekking and climbing without sleep from the upper hut up and back.
Mount Kenya Photo Album: http://dimitriosfan.com/2016/12/31/mount-kenya-kenya-%E2%80%A2photo-album%E2%80%A2/" — DimitriosFan • Mar 14, 2016