Highest peak
Medicine Bow Peak
12,013 ft / 3,661 m
Most prominent peak
Medicine Bow Peak
3,233 ft / 985 m prom
Most climbed peak
Medicine Bow Peak
27 climbs
Most difficult peak
no info yet
Difficulty breakdown
no info yet
Latest climbs
"I did not finish the climb. I got about 2 miles into it. It was one of the most spectacular hikes and views I have seen, but I have a weak ankle from malnutrition and overuse that was recovering from a bad sprain and 2 subsequent mini-sprains. In addition, I have severe bone bruising and a stress fracture. Stepping on a log to cross a river, I lost what limited stability I had and fell in a river. When the pain subsided, I hopped a few steps to try to finish the hike, hoping beyond hope I had not done what I had done to my ankle. I couldn't put any weight on it so using my best judgement, turned around and hopped another 2 miles out of the hike. " — ionahscully • Jul 24, 2019
"Wyoming just got a few feet of snow the previous week. We gave up at about 1,500 feet. We were cold and were sick of post holing through the snow. Travel was too slow. We crawled down much of the moountain to keep from seeking in. " — MtnGeek • Oct 9, 2004