
1.7 mi to summit

3.4 mi total


7,655 ft start

8,613 ft max


958 ft gain


1 hr 57 min to summit

3 hr 19 min total

Our goal today was to do a snow climb up Mazie Canyon to Griffith Peak. The Cathedral Rock Trail that we started on was beat down pretty good, but once we left that to start up Mazie Canyon, there were no more tracks and the snow was not quite consolidated yet. We pushed on very slowly for a while, postholing along and breaking trail. We didn't get too far before I was potholing tits-deep; that's when I decided to call it. As a consolation, we descended back to the Cathedral Rock Trail and made our way to the top of CR instead. We'll give the snow a week to consolidate, then try again.

Route name

echo trail


routefinding, bushwhacking, snow on route

Key gear

ice axe, crampons, helmet, snowshoes, trekking poles, mountaineering boots, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip