
2.1 mi to summit

4.3 mi total


3,701 ft start

4,903 ft max


1,654 ft gain


6 hr 23 min to summit

9 hr 31 min total

We dropped one vehicle off in Sandstone Quarry parking lot. Then we drove the second vehicle and parked it at the Red Springs parking lot. We scrambled up in Calico and hit the peaks in the following order : 1) Calico Hills South, 2) Calico Hills I Peak, 3) Red Book Peak, 4) Calico Hills II Overlook, 5) Calico Hills II Peak, 6) Calico Tanks Peak, and 7) Turtlehead Jr. We eixited via Sandstone Quarry to our vehicle in the Sandstone Quarry parking lot, drove back to Red Spings parking lot, and picked up the second vehicle.

Other peaks climbed on this trip