
4.8 mi to summit

7.5 mi total


3,964 ft start

4,458 ft max


1,546 ft gain


3 hr 30 min to summit

5 hr 12 min total

Came out for an easy Sunday hike up a few hills and to a few geocaches. It ended up being a little longer than planned, but fun anyways. We parked at the Late Night Trailhead and hiked east, to the low end of the ridge for a geocache. We then followed the ridge to the west and up to Sunday Hill, our first destination. From there, we descended south, crossed the highway (which was interesting) and hiked out to a geocache, before turning NE and heading up to Peak 4496 via the NW ridge. From there, we followed the NE ridge down and ascended Trident via the west ridge. We spent quite a while up there looking for a geocache, then headed down the same way. We crossed the road and hiked back to the trailhead, where I convinced everyone to go back up to Sunday Hill with me for a second time (there was another geocache that I walked past the first time). Somehow, I got them to say yes and we made quick work of it.

Route name

West Ridge


routefinding, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device