
1.8 mi to summit

3.7 mi total


1,015 ft start


981 ft gain


52 min to summit

1 hr 47 min total

This is my second visit to these summits. When pulling up to where I started the hike last time (At the end of Marlborough Avenue) I found it blocked off due to construction in the open field before the peaks. I wound up parking in a nearby business parking lot that was empty. The dirt road which serves as the lower walking path goes right past it. So I jumped on it and quickly elevated to Pigeon Benchmark. I continued on to Sugarloaf from there. Instead of going straight up the side, I had noticed last time that there was a trail system that goes to the east side of the peak and then climbs up. I patiently took the trail to the east side of the peak and found the use trail that goes right up to the top. As expected, there are great views from the top. I left the peak from the north side and formed a loop hike back to the starting point.

Route to summit



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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip