
6.7 km to summit

13.1 km total


1,645 m start

3,162 m max


1,509 m gain


6 hr 0 min to summit

9 hr 0 min total

Right time to tag this mountain is late May-early June. I used snow for 550 vertical meters to make the ascent and especially descent easier. Would have been even better had I gone 2-3 weeks earlier. Crampons and ice-axe are essential for the early season ascents.

Other than this, it is important to find a faint trail on the east side of the creek that will make the initial 2km of Tarzan-style log hopping less painful.

Route name

Northwest Slope


routefinding, stream crossing, bushwhacking, blowdowns, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

ice axe, crampons, helmet