
3.3 mi to summit

6.9 mi total


1,005 ft start

3,193 ft max


2,499 ft gain


3 hr 6 min to summit

5 hr 57 min total

Well, I expected a bit more from this peak. There is an OK view along the trail to the Beede farm area (Spread Eagle Trail). The actual summit however, is about 20m into the forest via a short bushwhack. The best views are along the way, on the many ledges. The signs from Hopkins say that Spread Eagle is .2 miles away. Spread Eagle is actually more like .5 miles away, so makes for a 1 mile out and back, with a couple of hundred feet elevation loss/gain from Hopkins. Not too difficult at all, and worth the extra hike if you're out bagging peaks.

Route name

Spread Eagle and Hopkins Trail



Key gear

trekking poles