
1,059 ft / 323 m

#2,537 in England

#9,975 in United Kingdom


2 summits

#1,314 in England

#2,417 in United Kingdom

Top climbing months

October   50%

December   50%

Most climbed route

From Willingstone Rock


  • Private tor :(
  • Splendid outcrops and views across the Teign Gorge. Some outcrops are on the moor while others are sprawling down the woodland. You are currently allowed to visit part of the tor in the woodland just off a track near Willingstone Farm. To visit the tor at its summit you either sneakily climb the gate by the country lane or in the woods at its lower outcrops over barbed wire. However, or good is that it's clear the owner who decided to make it private visits every day as there are footprints and machinery just left to lie. Be careful not to get yourself in trouble and it's probably best to visit the lower outcrops and claim the bag!

