
4.5 mi to summit

10.7 mi total


5,642 ft start


2,346 ft gain


3 hr 31 min to summit

7 hr 12 min total

I would highly recommend doing this route with a group of experienced hikers. Do not go without going with other experienced hikers! I hiked in from Lovell Canyon Road. When I got to First Creek Overlook, it was downhill scree for a while. There was a Class 3+ move to get up and over a ledge before proceeding to the sandstone ascent of Mount Wilson. From there the views were wonderful and the day I went it was super windy! On the way back I went around the south side of First Creek Overlook. This was extremely dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. The rock was very loose in many places and the terrain was steep. I was fortunate myself to get off of the bank with no injuries. Coming back down after going around First Creek Overlook was a breeze and rather pleasant. The route I used was not cairned and I more or less navigated the terrain without following a set path. I wouldn't consider this a professional route by any means and I don't think it is well traversed to begin with. Proceed at your own risk. Again, do not hike alone and go with a group of experienced hikers. Play each step safe, use sound wisdom and have fun!

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