
6.1 km to summit

13.1 km total


1,205 m start

3,212 m max


1,982 m gain


6 hr 14 min to summit

12 hr 28 min total

I learned from Taras trip report, and had a few beers two nights before, not the night before. I made it to Field Sunday afternoon where I got my permit to climb Mount Stephen. After lingering around the visitor centre I met Brandon and Morgan who were also looking to climb Mt Stephen. Unfortunately it was too late for them to get a permit (permits are not given out after 5pm, and are for the following day only).

I met up with Alex at Takkakaw Falls and had some fun chats. Got to bed around 10pm, didn't sleep all that well and woke up at the same time as Alex, Rob Maiman, Babette and Kelly. They were off for a big Little Yoho traverse, and I went to Stephen. I drove over to the visitor centre, parked. I cut across the tracks and made a line for the trailhead. I went up and up and up, and caught up to Ann. I didn't know she had also gotten a permit after me. After we got on the ridge (if you can call it that) we decided to team up. We slogged out the lower part and found our way to the summit (we got off route a little bit). I think having another person is really key here. It helped quite a bit with route finding and some of the trickier climbing parts. We enjoyed the summit, and made out way back down. On the way down, we ran in to another person whom had started much later than us. Doug was pretty quick to get on the summit and catch back up to us. Had we not ran into one another it is possible none of us would have summited.

We hiked out together and had dinner the the Truffle Pig, one of two establishments in the small town of Field.

Route name

Mount Stephen 13.1 km route


road/access issues, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

helmet, GPS device


"permits are not given out after 5pm, and are for the following day only" - not sure about "5pm", most likely due to business hours of manager on duty. But "for the following day only" definitely got changed. We were able to secure our permit remotely earlier this year: one phone call, few emails back and forth, and successfully got the permit.