
1.8 mi to summit

3.5 mi total


950 ft start


1,353 ft gain


1 hr 30 min to summit

2 hr 50 min total

I ascended Moose Mt. from the north side this time to finish off that A.T. section. The trail was a bit difficult to follow at times due to the lack of blazes along this section. When I reached the snowy top I looked around again to see just where the actual summit is. In the process of taking multiple gps/altimeter readings, it appears that the highest point is at N43.739368 W72.137216, which is about 25 feet south of where the A.T. passes (to the right if NB). This is about 1/10 mile north of the southwesterly viewpoint spot where there is a small cairn. After chatting with some other hikers that came by, I returned back down to my car.

Route name

Appalachian Trail


routefinding, snow on route

Key gear

GPS device