
7.1 mi to summit

16.3 mi total


11,689 ft start

14,169 ft max


3,133 ft gain


3 hr 36 min to summit

6 hr 45 min total

First summit of White Mtn Pk. Camped at Locked Gate what a beautiful and peaceful experience. The hike itself was rather dull especially after hiking Mt Whitney 2 days prior but still a noteworthy climb and phenomenal views along the way. 100s of marmots populate the trail so definitely hang on to your pack lol. The drive was easy but long and fantastic. Spare tire 100% required (one person at Locked Gate had a flat) and also recommend tire plug kit just in case. 4wd not required but highly recommended. There's some steep hills coming up about 1-2 miles from the TH and you will struggle with 2wd but I think it's doable. Fun drive, possibly more fun than the hike LOL.


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