
4.8 mi to summit

9.7 mi total


8,957 ft start


5,036 ft gain


5 hr 19 min to summit

9 hr 47 min total

Via the West Ridge, South Spur. This remarkable route ascends 9,000 vertical feet in less than 7 miles through sagebrush scrubland, Juniper-Pinyon Forest, and into the alpine. I did it as an overnight trip, camping on a flat spot on the ridge at ~9,000 ft. The camping is great, with spectacular views a mile above the Chalfant Valley and across to the Sierra escarpment.

I started a little after 5a on Day 2. Much of the route climbs steep, loose, talus/scree slopes, making one appreciate any bit of solid ground. Above 13,000 ft there are a few sections of class 3 climbing that is solid, fun, and not very exposed. I topped out 5:45h after leaving camp. It was cold and windy at the summit with growing clouds, so I only stayed 15 mins. The summit cabin was locked.

The descent back to camp was a trial. Whereas climbing the loose scree/talus is something of a fun exercise in foot placement, descending the same slopes is tedious, clumsy, and treacherous. By the time I reached camp, my legs and spirit were fatigued and I was stumbling a bit too often for my liking. At camp, I had a well-deserved lunch, packed up, and made the pleasant hike down to the car.

This route has a lot of great qualities: over 9,000 ft gain, a fourteener, epic views, a nice bit of scrambling, and a variety of ecosystems and terrain types. It could almost be a classic if it weren't mostly a miserable choss heap.
Note: GPS track is only to/from camp at ~9,000ft.

Route name

West Ridge (southern variation)


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