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This was my first hike using my Android phone GPS elevation/location App. Amazing device, no more guessing how high I am!! The summit of West hill is N NW of the red diamond>ridge trail, bushwhacking upward about 194 ft in elevation near a cell tower. my GPS elevation at its summit was 1344 ft. I was stunned to realizing after hiking this area since 2009 I had never actually made it to the peak! The summit itself is a remote bushwhack with no specific trail, made easy by the GPS. The West Hill summit is located in the Horatio Colony Preserve wilderness area which has a an old "tip top" house (which is actually nowhere near the top) where famouse Keenite Horatio Colony had his home and sheep farm. There are two very interesting u-shaped Cairns that pre-date the Colonial Contact period and were most likely used as Native Ceramonial formations. These cairns have been cataloged and studied by various Universities.


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