
1.2 mi to summit

3.8 mi total


1,905 ft start

3,211 ft max


1,669 ft gain


1 hr 9 min to summit

3 hr 36 min total

Anji & I decided to climb Copper Mountain today. As we were heading up towards the saddle, Copper West looked close, so we headed that way first. Well, it wasn't that close! The wind was blowing & it was freezing, but we had started that way, so we went all the way. Since Copper Mountain was our main objective, we traversed back across the saddle & made our way up there too. That one was easier & much more enjoyable than either of us was expecting. There was snow on all of the mountains around us - it was gorgeous!

Route name

West Copper Mountain 3.8 mi route


rockfall/loose rock, weather

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip