
5.0 mi to summit

7.0 mi total


6,580 ft start


1,600 ft gain


5 hr 0 min to summit

7 hr 0 min total

This is not the HPS summit, but it is the apparent high point of the entire mountain. It has a solar panel on a small jumble of rocks on it with an equipment shed next to it. The elevation appears to be about 8,040'-8,050'. It is only 1 of 2 spots on the mountain above 8,000', with the HPS summit to the south at 8,038' being the other. I hiked it all the way from the east part (exit) of Buckhorn up to Peak 7190, the west along the ridge hitting Waterman Benchmark (7,911'), then HPS Waterman (8,038'- Twin Benchmark) then curved around the U-Shaped ridge of Waterman to hit this one up, which is within the Mt. Waterman Ski Area. I then hiked down the mountain northeast in a random jumble of use trail, ski runs, a gully, and old road bed to rejoin the Waterman Trail for 300 yards back to Angeles Crest between Buckhorn Day Use and Buckhorn Campground West (entrance) and then, I followed the highway east back to the campground exit and my car. All together, the hike was about a 7 miles r/t loop with about 1,600' gain. It was a tiring, hot, and great experience in my beloved San Gabriel Mountains!!