We followed description from Copelands "Don't Waste Your Time in the Canadian Rockies", which was a mistake. We walked to the very end of Moat Lake before turning gradually right and hiking up SW slope. Moat Lake shoreline is bushy, very soggy and the trail is nonexistent.
A more reasonable way seems to be to follow Moat Lake Trail to near the lake and then turn right to ascend SE Ridge after a bit of bushwhack. Either way, it is just a steep hike. Class I terrain. GPS track under my entry for Mt. Maccarib.


Super helpful for an obscure hill, thanks! In theory there is an old horse camp west of moat lake and you can head to Vista pass then Tonquin Hill from there as well. https://trailpeak.com/trails/moat-lake-near-jasper-ab-3228


Yes, near the provincial boundary we stumbled upon a faint trail that is probably leading to Vista Pass, but quickly lost it, and decided to go straight up.