
15.0 km to summit

40.9 km total


2,061 m start


1,325 m gain


7 hr 5 min to summit

28 hr 37 min total

Straightforward ascent from Chrome Lake. 700-1000m of moderate bushwhacking with lots of deadfall until trees thin out. Cross lovely alpine meadows to reach a tarn at the base of the Peak. Then walk on the large boulders towards the summit. A short stretch of scrambling through the summit block makes it a Class 2 climb or "moderate scramble".

This is not the easiest route. The most logical way is probably to gain the same NW Ridge from Eremite Valley in order to avoid most of bushwhacking. The bridge over Eremite Creek was submerged under the water, and the water too high to safely cross, so I resorted to Plan B.

Route name

NW Ridge


road/access issues, routefinding, stream crossing, bushwhacking, blowdowns, rockfall/loose rock, buggy

Key gear

helmet, GPS device