
5.0 mi to summit

7.0 mi total


7,800 ft start


1,500 ft gain


4 hr 0 min to summit

5 hr 45 min total

I've driven by this mountain at least 50 times and always had wanted to climb it. I started on the Rim Trail connector on Luther Pass and made my way along the ridgeline. It was going pretty smoothly until I got to the start of Mr Toads and then I encountered numerous drifts of snow on the north sides of the ridges. Seeing that I still had over 2 miles to get to this one I seriously thought of calling it a day at that point. I decided to head up a little further to see what I was in for since I had come this far. That turned into going a little further and a little further and I kept going. I had a couple times where I post holed down to my hips and a couple times where I post holed down to my chest. I took a much more direct route back down the mountain to 89 which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and then hiked the rest of the way along the highway. Thanks for the adventure!


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